A continuación os detallamos los pasos a seguir para formalizar la inscripción en el Club Voleibol Torrelodones para la temporada 2024-2025
La fecha límite de inscripción es hasta el 25 de septiembre.
Durante la primera semana de entrenamientos se pedirá a los jugadores que mandan a los entrenadores:
Copia del DNI
Reconocimiento médico.
El Certificado de titularidad de la cuenta bancaria será obligatorío enviarlo por correo al Club.
Sin estos documentos, ninguna persona podrá participar en las actividades deportivas.
Equipment Information & Payments

In theTorrelodones Volleyball ClubWe take commitment very seriously. For this reason, we understand that all players who have a federation file commit to carry out theannual payment and to actively participate in the activity throughout the season.
Regardless of the payment method chosen, the full amount of the player's token must be paid (amount that appears in a single payment).
It is mandatory to send the certificate of ownership of the bank account by email.
- 30/09/2022 - _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_EQUIPEMENT
complete 90 €
Shirts of
training _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1356d0 €
- & -
- 10/07/2022- €500
- either -
- 10/07/2022 - €200
- 12/02/2022 - 16€0
- 03/02/2023 - _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ 140 €
With the type of payment selected, either by installments or a single payment, plus the payment of the kits, a receipt will be passeddomiciled of said quotas on the dates indicated.If you have any problems or questions please, get in touch via the club email:
*The spring league is not included in the fees set out below
The complete outfit ismandatoryfor all players with a federation file.
The price for players who have recently joined the club is de €90,and includes:
• Game T-shirt -personalized with name and number
• Game mesh pants
• Tracksuit pants
• Sweatshirt - personalized with number
• 2 Training T-shirts
• A pair of CV Torre socks
The price for players already subscribed to the club is€10,and includes:
• 2 Training T-shirts
The club offers the possibility of buying separately**:
• Abrigo _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ +30 €
• Personalized sweatshirt+25 €
• Mochila tipo bolsa _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_+16 €
• Pack 2 pairs of socks +€8.5
• Par de calcetines _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ + 5 €
For any request for extras outside the kit, it is necessary to write an email to request the garment, for the payment method a transfers to the Club account as follows:
• No.account number
ES97 0182 9903 1502 0155 0060
• Concept
NAME and FIRST SURNAME of the player + TEAM
eg Sara Aguado - Senior A